Tummy Trouble No More: Top Shapewear Picks for Flattering Tummy Control

Tummy trouble is the most common fitness issue that we are all fed up of. But, there is nothing that Feelingirl’s shaping bodysuit can’t fix. There are many options, giving you different types of shapewear for your waist area. 

So, it’s time to stop worrying about a bulging tummy and loose muscles around the abdomen. Look smarter, curvier, and thinner with the right tummy control body shapers from Feelingirl. 

1. Target your Waist 
You don’t have to be dressed in shapewear from top to toe. Just go for the targeted area – your waist. Feelingirl offer various pieces, like tummy-targetting bodysuits, waist cinchers, and high-waist briefs. You can select any one of these shapewear that gives you the most comfort. 

Plus, the waist shaping effect will be more effective and prominent if you wear your shapewear for the targeted area. A thinner waist will be highlighted and your overall figure will look slimmer.

2. Wear Supportive Bodysuits 
A bodysuit from Feelingirl gives your bulging tummy good support. These are one-piece shapewear that feel light on your body but keep your muscles tight. The support is not just for the waist, but also for your chest area. So, you get an overall shape boost and slimming. You manage to get a smooth look when you put on any outfit over your bodysuit.

3. Go for High-Waist Bottoms 
Some styling tricks with your shapewear can really help you get a flat tummy within minutes. One of these tricks is to put on high-waist bottoms with your shaping bodysuits. It could be a lace full bodysuit or a plain one. The idea is to just add another piece of shaper that gives you a better slimming and flattening effect. 

In addition, these bottoms also feel more comfortable. If you have the perfect size and fitting, these bottoms stay on your tummy and you don’t have to make adjustments every now and then.

4. Try Waist-Control Briefs 
If you have high-waist briefs, you can wear these to put your tummy in control before you put on a dress or your pants. These briefs give you a flattening and smoothing effect so that your dress can look perfect. Plus, briefs are easy to wear as compared to some other types of shapewear, like waist cinchers or tight bodysuits. Briefs are lighter and more convenient.

5. Opt for Dark Color Shapewear 
Dark colors have a better slimming effect as compared to lighter tones. So, pick shapewear that’s black, navy, or dark brown. It’s easier to get a smooth look with these shades. So, your seamless bodysuit shorts will have more effect on your tummy area if you go for dark shades.

Final Thoughts An out-of-shape tummy worries everyone. But Feelingirl has the solution in the form of different types of tummy controlling shapewear. These are bodysuits, high-waist briefs, waist cinchers, and more. Go for the right size, pick dark shades, and style in a way that adds to the slimming effect.


  1. Selain diet dan olahraga, sepertinya saya butuh produk ini untuk mengembalikan perut yang sudah hamil 2x. heuheu

  2. Kelihatan jadi membentuk tubuh, ya. Tapi, tentunya harus tetap nyaman saat digunakan.

  3. Top shapewear for tummy control can help you achieve a flattering silhouette effortlessly. With innovative designs and comfortable materials, these picks ensure you look and feel your best. Say goodbye to tummy troubles and hello to confidence!

  4. Lewat pakaian yang tepat bisa mendukung penampilan jadi lebih baik, apalagi ini bisa tampak langsing juga ya kak

  5. Waist shaper is one of my favorites! I use this type of shapewear not only to make my figure looks slimer, but also for a better posture

  6. Cocok nih buat aku yang baru abis lahiran. Biar perut gak keliatan buncit. Thanks for sharing, mpo..

  7. The real solusi banget ini 🤩 Perempuan mana yang nolak di kasih solusi yang seciamik ini buat atasi perut buncit.
    Dalam beberapa penampilan dan event pastinya kita ingin terlihat lebih rapi, menarik dan bagian perut nampak langsing singset. Semakin tampil percaya diri dalam berbagai situasi deh jadinya.

  8. Memang ya penggunaan dari bodysuits ini menjadi andalan banget karena sangat membantu juga dalam penampilan kita.

  9. Ini keren ya mpo, pakai ini bisa mengatasi perut buncit...bisa ada perubahan bagi yamg suka pakai baju dress terbuka gitu

  10. bener- bener gak ada masalah di perut banget ya
    Saya jadi pengen cobain juga karena masalah utamanya adalah perut
    Pelan-pelan untuk membalikkannya lebih ideal
    Shapewear di atas bisa jadi referensi

  11. Emang ya perut buncit tuh masalah banget bagi sebagian orang. Bikin gak pede trus mau disembuyiin ke manaaa.. hihi..
    Untung ya Feelingirl punya solusinya :)

  12. Kepengen deh aku punya top shapewear begini. BIar perut gak gombyor ya. Soalnya ternyata, olahraga aja tuh gak cukup buat ratakan perut. Harus dikunci juga postur perut. Ya salah satu caranya pake top shapewear begini.

  13. Ibu-ibu kalau udah beranak kelemahannya ada di bagian perut.
    Pas sekali pakai korset sampai nutupin lemak di perut yang penuh lemak.
    Daripada pas diajak foto harus nahan napas agar ngga terlihat buncit. ;D

  14. Asyik kalau punya shapewear, biasanya buat rangkapan kalau mau pakai dress pesta atau kebaya gtu hehe. Soalnya membentuk perut jadi bagus ya, jadi baju yang dipakai pun bisa lebih nyaman, perut gak keliatan ndut, khususnya buat yang lemak di area pinggang dan perut over hehe.

  15. The form of different types of tummy controlling shapewear.

  16. Wearing shapewear is one way to deal with a bloated stomach and look more beautiful

  17. So helpful for anyone looking to enhance their confidence and achieve a smoother silhouette. The detailed reviews of various shapewear options provide valuable insights into the best products available for effective tummy control.

  18. This is exactly what I need. My tummy is not that slim (HAHAHA) and I need a good shapewear to help me deal with that tummy of mine.
